Should eSports be in the Olympics?

Arguments for eSports in the Olympics

Argument 1: eSports is a Growing Industry

One of the main arguments for the inclusion of eSports in the Olympics is that it is a rapidly growing industry. According to a report by Newzoo, the global eSports market is expected to reach $1.08 billion in revenue by 2021. This is a significant increase from the $194 million in revenue generated in 2014. With such growth, it is clear that eSports is no longer a niche industry and should be recognized as a legitimate sport.

Argument 2: eSports Requires Skill and Strategy

Another argument for the inclusion of eSports in the Olympics is that it requires skill and strategy. Just like traditional sports, eSports requires players to have a high level of skill and to be able to strategize in order to win. In fact, some argue that eSports requires even more skill than traditional sports as it involves quick reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and the ability to think on one’s feet.

Argument 3: eSports Has a Global Appeal

eSports has a global appeal, with millions of people around the world tuning in to watch tournaments and competitions. The inclusion of eSports in the Olympics would not only recognize this global appeal but also help to promote the sport to a wider audience. This could lead to increased participation and interest in eSports, as well as the potential for new talent to emerge.

Argument 4: eSports is Inclusive

Finally, eSports is an inclusive sport that welcomes players from all backgrounds and abilities. Unlike traditional sports that may require physical prowess, eSports allows anyone with a computer or gaming console to participate. This inclusivity could help to promote diversity and encourage more people to get involved in the sport.

Arguments against eSports in the Olympics

1. Physical Activity

One of the main arguments against eSports in the Olympics is the lack of physical activity. The Olympics are all about physical prowess and athleticism, and many people feel that eSports do not fit into this category. Unlike traditional sports, eSports do not require any physical exertion, and this has led some people to question whether they should be included in the Olympics.

2. Lack of Tradition

Another argument against eSports in the Olympics is the lack of tradition. The Olympics have been around for over a century, and they have a rich history and tradition. Many people feel that adding eSports to the mix would dilute this tradition and take away from the spirit of the games.

3. Difficulty in Standardization

Another argument against eSports in the Olympics is the difficulty in standardization. Unlike traditional sports, eSports are constantly evolving, with new games and technologies being introduced all the time. This makes it difficult to standardize the rules and regulations, which is an important aspect of the Olympics.

4. Lack of Physical Health Benefits

Finally, some people argue that eSports do not provide the same physical health benefits as traditional sports. While traditional sports help to promote physical fitness and health, eSports are often played for long periods of time, which can lead to health problems such as eye strain, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.


In conclusion, the question of whether eSports should be included in the Olympics is a complex one. While there are compelling arguments for including it, there are also valid concerns that need to be addressed. Ultimately, it will be up to the International Olympic Committee to decide whether eSports has a place in the Olympics. However, one thing is clear – eSports is a rapidly growing industry that cannot be ignored, and it will be interesting to see how it develops in the coming years.